I read so much online about self-styled internet gurus.
All selling their secret magic formula which has to be paid for within seven days or the spell wears off.
It seems to me that the internet is turning into a bottomless pit for unsuspecting mugs.
The internet is not some secret, sleeping giant which can only be released by those who are in possession of the magic spell which is only available from those in “the know”.
What is this big secret, this instant riches bonanza?
There is none.
The internet is no different to the world as we’ve always known it, except it's in the here and now.
Everything you’ve ever learnt can be applied to the internet with only small adjustments.
Sales and marketing is no different just because it takes place between a keyboard and the punters monitor.
Yes you do need to adapt, and anyone with a bit of common sense and able to read can perform quite nicely on the internet.
Talking about performing…nah that’s for another blogJ
They say there’s nothing new under the sun, and that goes for the internet too.
As in any new venture it’s the person who identifies a basic need, and fills that need with a product or service that the punters need and want who will be successful.
Forget the get rich quick scams, concentrate on providing a service that people want.
So how does the internet differ to the “real world”?
It’s called the attention span.
Look at a TV advert, the normal length is 30 seconds.
I know there are longer ads smartarse, but by far the most often used length is…30 seconds.
Now it’s not because the advertiser is too tight to spend his hard-earned readies on anything longer, it’s because 30 seconds has been identified as the amount of time that people will concentrate on something!
Ye I know that a great body and not many clothes may get your attention for longer, (note the asexual wording there, no sexist here) , but for you to get a message over to Mr Average, you have just this 30 second time span.
Actually it’s tragic, at a time when the written skills of most of the worlds new generation have never been so bad, here comes a medium in which you sink or swim by just those same skills.
Everything you do or have done in the past in a face-to-face situation now has to be done by word and graphics alone.
Master the art of marketing and copywriting on the net and you will make money.
Before you go...
A priest, a minister and a rabbi were all sitting at a table finishing dinner and discussing theology. Suddenly an angel appeared before them.
"I have been sent to grant each of you one wish," he said. "Who will go first?"
The catholic priest stood up. "I wish for the destruction of all Protestants!"
Then the protestant minister bolted up. "I wish for the destruction of all Catholics!"
The rabbi kept seated, so the angel asked, "How about you? What do you wish for, Rabbi?"
The rabbi answered, "Well, if you're going to grant their wishes, I'll just settle for another cup of coffee."
To make you think!“Success or failure in business is caused more by the mental attitude even than by mental capacities.”...Walter Scott, novelist
If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting, but I would have to decline, for life would no longer teach me anything...Allyson Jones
Without dreams life goes backwards...Me!
Have a great week,
Mike Samuels
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